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The Light We Carry written by Michelle Obama- Review by J. McCray

The Light We Carry- Review by J. McCray 

Can I just start by saying, I absolutely fell in love with Michelle Obama more and more with each word. Always elegant, always fabulous and sophisticated with her style, she is also showing herself to be Human. Full Woman!

Her words uplift me still after having finished reading a month ago. She starts out speaking of her childhood having being raised in a home with a disable parent. Her father suffered from Multiple-Sclerosis. While being close friends with people who are care-givers of those with such a debilitating disease, her story touched my heart. The knowledge and forethought she gives in telling her experience really helped to shape and mold her as the woman you see today. Humility, compassion, faith while also experiencing fear and financial hardship her parents gave her and her brother the gift of gladness. They were loved and they knew it! The heaviness of their reality in circumstance took a back seat to being raised by loving parents. No matter how difficult it may have been with her fathers health or financial state, she remembers teaching moments about responsibility and respect, and self-love.

Michelle Obama often through-out the book speaks of her own fears, uncomfortable moments, and insecurities. Regarding the negative voice in her head that we all can relate to she says, "She is also me, over time I've learned to accept her presence. Instead of defeat, I've given her citizenship. Stepping back and addressing my fear. 'Hello, it's you again... you are no monster to me.'"

I'm going to stop right here at such a powerful life-lesson for me. I hope we all can say that to ourselves, the negative voice we all have. Hello, it's you again... you are no monster to me." Let me encourage you if you haven't already please pick up the book, its available on Amazon and Audible and just about everywhere. 

Please leave a comment regarding your thoughts on the book.

I love you more,

J. McCray 

P.S. When I'm feeling Bossy I love a pants suit. Click the link and check out our suits and sets.


Photo published by New York Times. NBC/ Getty Image.

Mrs. Obama enters the “Today show set wearing a vivid yellow pantsuit with flared legs by Proenza Schouler.

"My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to Thrive; and do it with some Passion, some Compassion, some Humor, and some Style." - Maya Angelou

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